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A Simple Bookmark Manager

A clean and simple interface to organize your favourite websites. Open a new browser tab and see your sites load instantly. Try it for free.


Our aim is to make it quick and easy for you to access your favourite websites. Your bookmarks sync betweeen your devicees so you can access them on the go.

Bookmark in one click

Organize your bookmarks however you like. Our simple drag-and-drop interface gives you complete control over how you manage your favourite sites.

Intelligent search

Our powerful search feature will help you find saved sites in no time at all. No need to trawl through all of your bookmarks.

Share your bookmarks

Easily share your bookmarks and collections with others. Create a shareable link that you can send at the click of a button.

Download the extension

We've got more browsers in the pipeline. Please do let us know if you've got a favourite you'd like us to prioritize.

Add to Chrome

Minimum version 62

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Add to Firefox

Minimum version 55

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Add to Opera

Minimum version 46

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our FAQs. If you have any other questions you'd like answered please feel free to email us.

What is Bookmark?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lobortis nisl a accumsan mattis. Mauris dapibus, metus in sodales varius, lacus ipsum egestas lorem, vel ultrices nulla leo quis tellus. Morbi vel sollicitudin neque.

How can I request a new browser?

Praesent a rutrum dolor, sit amet posuere felis. Etiam ornare tristique ipsum vitae sollicitudin. Donec eget aliquam odio. Mauris faucibus, justo at fermentum viverra, orci felis blandit mi, sit amet lacinia odio erat et enim.

Is there a mobile app?

Etiam vehicula ornare tincidunt. Ut ut venenatis lectus, nec dignissim justo. Mauris in viverra urna, sed facilisis urna. Nam pellentesque ligula quis elit congue tincidunt. Aliquam faucibus justo ac est sollicitudin, ac aliquam arcu rhoncus.

What about other Chromium browsers?

Proin et nulla quis libero rhoncus semper. Duis augue dolor, aliquam nec vehicula eu, feugiat sed arcu. Sed quis nisi non augue elementum venenatis ac eu ipsum. Donec neque purus, ultricies vitae imperdiet eget, mattis et dui.


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